January Minutes

Triad Modern Quilt Guild Meeting

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

  1. Ellen opened the meeting with some exciting news (congratulations on your new little one coming!) and recognized Ann Monroe’s hard work on the raffle quilt. Thank you Ann!
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Senior Services – Next month’s suggested donations include, but not limited to, dental hygiene items. Fabric and batting for senior quilts are available, please contact Bev.
      1. An idea for the future: everyone bring a yard of fabric to be used for senior quilts as their senior services donation for the month.
    2. Swap – the next swap will be project bags. Watch your email for a sign-up (so your bag can be personalized to your preferences) and also for links to patterns. The signups will be due by the February 15, and the project bags will be swapped at the March meeting.
    3. Programs –  Lee gave an update on future programs. It looks like we may have a guest speaker (unconfirmed as of Tuesday evening) and as well as a workshop in February. Stay tuned for details.
  3. Tonight’s program: The Annual January Book Review!
    1. Cathy Cartwright reviewed The Quick and Easy Quilt Block Builder.
    2. Karen reviewed Sensational Quilts for Scrap Lovers.
    3. Rosanne reviewed the Sewing Machine Reference Tool.
    4. Ann Monroe reviewed the Quilter’s Project Planner as well as the planners for Knit and Crochet projects and Garment projects.
    5. All of the books are available from C&T Publishing.
  4. Just a reminder, don’t forget the Sew-cial on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30. Here is the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81614480417?pwd=TnBZMTByTXdPb0NYK3lzRWxidEl3UT09