October Minutes

October 25, 2022 TMQG meeting:

Our November meeting, November 22, will be the final meeting of this year. We will be having a holiday party, a holiday ornament swap, drawing for member prizes and THE DRAWING FOR THE RAFFLE QUILTS!

Our raffle tickets sales have been great, as of this meeting we had over $2000 in sales!! YAY! This is our fundraiser and allows us to have fab speakers for the next year. Thanks for all of your efforts, making, taking and selling tickets for the quilts.

Membership dues for the next year (January thru November) are due. It is $50.

Senior services suggested items are socks, scarves/mittens. Money is always welcome if you can’t bring items. Also, if you have unused Christmas cards that you would be willing to share, we will sign them during our November meeting to be handed out to Sr. Services. Labels and batting are available for senior quilts, contact Bev.

Our swap this month is a HANDMADE ORNAMENT. Please being it wrapped.

There will be food at the Holiday party. Please bring something sweet or savory. Drinks and tableware will be provided.